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Author: Bondar Eugene Sergeevna Position: teacher of n language and foreign literature.

Author: Bondar Eugene Sergeevna Position: teacher of n language and foreign literature.

Author: Gorbenko Svetlana Nikolaevna Position: teacher of foreign literature.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas « LESSON »

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Related links:

▶ Development of the lesson « Publius Ovid Nason. » Sad Elegies « on foreign literature in the 8th grade▶ Development of the lesson « F. Kafka. » Reincarnation « in foreign literature in the 11th grade▶ Development of the lesson « M. Bulgakov. Kyiv in the life and work of the writer. » The Master and Margarita « on foreign literature in the 11th grade▶ Development of the lesson « The meaning of the Little Prince’s journey through the universe » in foreign literature in the 8th grade


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Lesson plan-summary with multimedia support, the educational purpose of which is to activate the artistic perception of experiences, plot and verbal series; to orient students in the specifics of the ideological direction of the work, its composition, to improve the skills of working with the text

Development of the lesson « Ch. Dickens » Christmas song in prose « on foreign literature in the 6th grade

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Author: Markelova Elena Grigorivna Position: teacher of Russian language and foreign literature.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas « LESSON »

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Related links:

▶ Development of a lesson « The embodiment of the features of symbolism in the poetry of Charles Baudelaire » in foreign literature in the 10th grade▶ Development of the lesson « The image of the tragedy of the alienation of the individual in the short story by F. Kafka » Reincarnation « from foreign literature in the 11th grade▶ Methodical development of « J. Jagiello » Coffee with cardamom « from foreign literature in the 10th grade▶ Development of a lesson « Characteristics of the images of Achilles and Hector in Homer’s poem » Iliad « on foreign literature in the 8th grade


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The offered literary dictations can be used by teachers of foreign literature for the 7th grade course on « Friendship and Love »

Methodical development of « Literary dictations » from foreign literature in the 7th grade

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Author: Bondar Eugene SergeevnaDolzhnost: teacher of n language and foreign literature.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas « LESSON »

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Development of the lesson « F. Kafka. » Transformation « in foreign literature in the 11th grade▶ Methodical development « Creative and developmental tasks in lessons of foreign literature »▶ Development of the lesson « Pages of the play-fairy tale by S. Marshak » Twelve months « in foreign literature in the 5th grade▶ Development of the lesson « Images-symbols in the story of M. Gogol » Taras Bulba « on foreign literature in the 7th grade


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Lesson plan-summary on the stated topic, the purpose of which is to systematize the acquired knowledge; to develop coherent speech of eighth-graders; to cultivate a culture of speech, a conscious attitude to life

Development of the lesson « The meaning of the Little Prince’s journey through the universe » on foreign literature in the 8th grade

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Author: Litvyshko Natalia Ivanovna Position: teacher of foreign literature.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas « LESSON »

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Development of the lesson « Prometheus – » the eternal image of « world literature » in foreign literature in the 8th grade▶ Development of the lesson « M. Bulgakov. Kyiv in the life and work of the writer. » The Master and Margarita « in foreign literature in the 11th grade▶ Development of the lesson « The greatness of science and knowledge as the main pathos of the work of J. Verne » Fifteen-year-old Captain « in foreign literature in the 6th grade▶ Article « Innovative technologies in lessons of foreign literature »


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The manual contains questions and answers to each article, a work of art textbook « Foreign Literature. Grade 5 ». These questions and tasks facilitate oral questioning and continuous monitoring of students’ knowledge in class while checking homework.

Methodical development « Evaluate quickly » from foreign literature in the 5th grade

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Author: Rudenko Valentina Ivanovna Position: teacher of foreign literature and Russian language.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas « LESSON »

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Methodical development of « Life and creative way of Milorad Pavich » from foreign literature in the 11th grade▶ Development of the event « Century-flashlights » for 11th grade▶ Development of the lesson « B. Shaw. » Pygmalion « on foreign literature in the 9th grade▶ Development of the lesson « M. Bulgakov. » The Master and Margarita « in foreign literature in the 11th grade


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The manual considers the use of the principle of suggestion in a work of art, systematizes materials for use in lessons of foreign literature. In addition to the theoretical foundations, the work contains interesting information and practical advice that will greatly facilitate the work of the teacher while studying the topics « Symbolism », « Lyrics of B. Pasternak », etc.

Methodical development « Suggestion: theory and practice in lessons of foreign literature »

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Author: Olkhovik Anna Dmitrievna Position: teacher of foreign literature.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas « LESSON »

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Article « Innovative technologies in lessons of foreign literature »▶ Methodical development « National education in lessons of foreign literature » for 7th grades▶ Development of the lesson « Love lyrics of O. Pushkin » on foreign literature in the 9th grade▶ Development of the lesson « Lesson with the aroma of kuti and the taste of compote » from foreign literature in the 6th grade


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Lesson plan-summary with multimedia support (media presentation is attached), the purpose of which is to acquaint with the life of F. Kafka; to explore the originality of his relations with the world; expand knowledge about expressionism; analyze the story « Reincarnation » to show the originality of the transformation of the theme of « little man »; develop the ability to empathize and empathize with people; to cultivate interest in the work of the writer

Development of the lesson « F. Kafka. » Reincarnation « from foreign literature in the 11th grade

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Author: Musienko Natalia Dmitrievna Position: teacher of foreign literature.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas « LESSON »

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Development of a lesson « To know, to remember » on foreign literature in 7th grade▶ Development of the lesson « Publius Ovid Nason. » Sad Elegies « on foreign literature in the 8th grade▶ Development of the lesson « Prometheus – » the eternal image of « world literature » in foreign literature in the 8th grade▶ Development of the lesson « M. Bulgakov. Kyiv in the life and work of the writer. » The Master and Margarita « on foreign literature in the 11th grade


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Lesson plan-summary on the stated topic, the educational purpose of which is to determine the main idea of ​​the fairy tale; to continue acquaintance with means of expression of mood in a literary work, music and painting; to continue work on speech development; to improve the skills of expressive and conscious reading

Development of the lesson « Pages of the play-tale by S. Marshak » Twelve months « on foreign literature in the 5th grade

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Author: Podoprygora Elena Alexandrovna Position: teacher of Russian language and literature.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas « LESSON »

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Methodical development « Creative and developmental tasks in lessons of foreign literature »▶ Methodical development of « Literary dictations » from foreign literature in the 7th grade▶ Development of the lesson « Images-symbols in the story of M. Gogol » Taras Bulba « on foreign literature in the 7th grade▶ Development of a lesson « To know, to remember » on foreign literature in 7th grade


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The plan-summary of the lesson, the purpose of which is to acquaint with the life and creative way of M. Bulgakov, to consider the question of his connection with Ukraine, to create a basis for the analysis of the novel « The Master and Margarita « , to acquaint aesthetic issues of the work; to improve skills of independent work with reference literature